Vol. 4 (2022): january-december: continuous publication

Epistemologies and humanistic formation. Initial Concepts for Teaching at Nariño University, Colombia

Yesid Niño-Arteaga
University of Nariño
Claudia Afanador-Hernández
University of Nariño

Published 2022-10-20


  • Epistemology,
  • philosophy,
  • critical thinking,
  • social and human sciences

How to Cite

Niño-Arteaga, Y., & Afanador-Hernández, C. (2022). Epistemologies and humanistic formation. Initial Concepts for Teaching at Nariño University, Colombia. Puriq, 4, e391. https://doi.org/10.37073/puriq.4.391

Métricas alternativas


This article aims to highlight some characteristics of epistemology in relation to humanistic education. The methodological  design was a bibliographical research and the essay wrintings, this exploration will be made of some meanings that have been maintained for the apparent uniqueness of epistemic thinking. Understanding then properties this article described from the philosophical concerning some characteristics of epistemic subject and the problems around this concept in the evolution of the question about the knowledge in this century. In this  way, the article identify elements of an epistemological monism, dualism and pluralism. The article concluding what is possible to affirm a single perspective of knowledge instead of multiplicity of epistemologies, but this will be opening to the ethical and intercultural meaning for the study and teaching of epistemologies.


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