Vol. 5 (2023): january-december: continuous publication
Original article

Quality Management for Agroindustrial Workshops based on the EFQM model at ESPAM MFL

Diana Elizabeth Delgado-Mendoza
Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí Manuel Félix López
Benigno Javier Alcívar-Martínez
Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí Manuel Félix López
Celi María Carranza-Loor
Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí Manuel Félix López

Published 2023-09-15


  • Gestão da qualidade,
  • oficinas agroindustriais,
  • EFQM

How to Cite

Delgado-Mendoza, D. E., Alcívar-Martínez, B. J., & Carranza-Loor, C. M. (2023). Quality Management for Agroindustrial Workshops based on the EFQM model at ESPAM MFL. Puriq, 5, e511. https://doi.org/10.37073/puriq.5.511

Métricas alternativas


The objective of this research was to propose a quality management model for the agroindustrial workshops of ESPAM MFL, based on the system of excellence of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM). The research approach is mixed, using inductive-deductive and analytical-synthetic methods, through in-depth interviews and surveys of the organization's internal customers. The model is based on the analysis of the organization's internal and external resources, human talent, processes, clients, agreements and resources, and social impact. The model allows the assignment of scores and placement in levels that reflect the progress in quality management achieved by the organization. The proposal addresses the need to overcome the absence of methodologies, procedures and tools for quality management of products and services provided by the agroindustrial workshops of ESPAM MFL as a support for the implementation of improvement actions.


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