Vol. 3 No. 4 (2021): PURIQ (September-December)

The structural financialization of capitalism, an approach to Aníbal Quijano

Carlos Escudero Núñez
Universidad De Panama

Published 2021-09-11


  • Financialization,
  • coloniality of power,
  • Aníbal Quijano,
  • United States

How to Cite

Escudero Núñez, C. (2021). The structural financialization of capitalism, an approach to Aníbal Quijano. Puriq, 3(4), 503–514. https://doi.org/10.37073/puriq.3.4.218

Métricas alternativas


In recent decades, global capital ceased to be a system supported by the production of material goods, to become a sustained speculative system in a financialized world, where trust has become a tradable asset. What do we understand by a financialized world-system? How is the financialized world-system related to the theory of the coloniality of power? How does Aníbal Quijano's thinking impact the understanding of the increasingly accelerated changes in Latin America and the global south? Questions that try to unravel the changes that are interrelated with coloniality, dominance, racism, the power exercised not only factual but also symbolic and cultural, which continues to recreate the colonialized thought of the social subject, in addition, the decipherment of the epistemic of information to achieve the emancipation and structural independence that Latin America needs.


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